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Hello! I’m a Chonky Duck 🦆 Quack. ǫᴜᴀᴄᴋ ⊙▽⊙ I have left- quack quack! :/
0 Following 26 Follower
quack its beauty
quack that's disappointing ;-;
Not_Epic (Ghost) 🎗
quack i will save u
Ugh another day of hell
ill miss u quack quack
I won't get a whooping loser I'm your handsome child
Good morning idiots
quack im ur local duck
quack they r smooth
Pablo the costa Rica ant-eater and a normal ant-eater
Quack Epic
Cat blinking lol
Quack cool
Y E S quack
Making a duolingo account
quack let me join
Ello! Your Population is Big!!
Quack mine is quack grenade
(Test) running
Quack good attempt
Piglover563 yt ( joined lea...
Don't worry quack everyone is gonna know :) quack when ur resting.
Moon goose can not save piglover563
quack u die and I eat grape.
quack that is epic
So how’s your day
quack ill like u
quack! cool
coming up u have 2 hrs of air to breathe.
Piglover563 is stuck in the middle of space and he's running out of oxygen only Two can save him now!
A MOON GOOSE fly fly fly- grab u and come back