Go to my YouTube channel as well - @Euan McAuley (btw I'm only 9 but I'm good at drawing)
Can we try to get to 500 followers (HERE) |*in the 'try to get to 500' I mean if like we pass 200*|
2- 👍 5- 👍 8- 👍 10- 👍 (Thank you!)
14- 20- 25- 30- 40-
50- 55- 60-
100- 120- 150- 165- 170-
200 (Our goal!) : :
Have a good day and as always- don't die because your lazy c:
Shoutout to my 1st + 2nd follower
@thepowerof2!! (2)
My first follower \/
Comment on any of my animations for ideas and I'll give you a shoutout!
I'll put your name here! -) : Among us orange :
Weekly schedule (NEW AND UPDATED)
Monday- fan art
Tuesday- fan idea animation
Wendsday- funny animation
Thursday- animation I don't know what that I'll do
Friday- fan idea animation
Saturday-fan art
Sunday- OFF
: : : :
I may do more out of schedule doing it, like other stuff because I'm bored.
Give me ideas on the comments (but you need to be following!)
Fan art is where I just draw like a fan idea or a fan profile pic
Fan idea animation is where you give me ideas and I do them
off is where I don't do any for a day
Ps: I don't do Anime because I'm bad at doing heads and I'll try to
Get more good at it.
I do like ᭙ꪮꪶᠻ𝓲 's animes there rlly cool :D
Plus sometimes I don't do for a day bc I have stuff to do (warning you bout that)
If it's- Your birthday or Christmas or other happy _________
I can do you a shoutout if it's ur birthday to be nice if u want c:
I wanna try to get to 200 followers
So please follow for more and often more
You should always be a good person,
You should be great.
I do like doing stuff like a LOT so when I'm on holiday I don't do anything (MAX DAYS OFF 8)
I s
I suc
I suck
I suc
I s
Plus I appreciate all of u c:
1: we never learn
2: we are silly
3: anything is possible
4. everyone is the best
I do anything lol
When I get a lot of followers I'll tell you guys a secret (5000)
Appreciate yourself
Please follow it's really nice if u do it makes me happy :DDDDD
I'm bad at drawing on here I'm better on plain paper :c