Maki ( joji my beloved )

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The name is luna
Im 13 years old <3
And im saudi-mexican!
Uhh im a non-binary lesbian
Taken!! <3 ( someone irl! )
For damien and “LiZaRd”
Nah you ( quinn )and liz shut the fuck up youre acting like liz didn’t do anything wrong LMFAO not you forgiving someone who was racist in the past. Still is racist , At least vivi wasnt racist like it bro VIVI WASNT EVEN FUCKING TRYING TO VICTIM ITSELF yall just want to make vivi look bad when yall are the bad ones bro just shut the fuck up bunny didnt try to even blame on anything they talked about what happened about their trauma mostly not blaming on it 💀 yall seriously misunderstood then call us liars like shut the hell up man when liz friend said we misunderstood we admitted that we misunderstood but ABOUT YOU GUYS ARE OMFG didnt listen to us yall just always make us the bad ones fr fr you’re way too obsessed with liz 💀💀 if vivi was in liz place id end my friendship with them bro, Since you’re gonna not remove your bio about this i wont delete the post about liz and the bio man anyway go ahead have a great day with a racist who also said the r-slur ( it admitted but like what the fuck man you on drugs or what 💀? ) Anyway about the “tone tag” remember when you told me to use them and you cant read “minds” THATS WHEN I FUCKING STARTED USING THEM BRO now you sayin i cant use them thats why I DIDNT USE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE????! “mad goofy” no you’re the one who looks mad goofy like bro imagine forgiving someone who said the n-word and the r-slur well couldnt be me 😝⁉️ I knew you and liz were fucking sus bro anyways ( to liz now ) Shut yo goofy ass up “i laugh my ass off” Laugh at how fucking dumb you were in the past bro you treated fuji fucking wrong bro the whole time they were dating the wrong person 💀💀💀 ( Yes they also did fucking dumb problems and shits but at least they werent racist like you and didnt say the r-slur like you bro ) Tomato face LMFAOOAOAO now shut yo goofy asses and eat shit bro we aint here for dramas anymore and respect vivi just like how they’re respecting you bro yall are just disrespecting them while they’re respecting you thats not even fair bruh

mf i said respect them not me read well goofy ass looking ( to liz )
Plus i dont think hinata would forgive you anymore cause they fucking changed their mind they cant forgive anymore you literally DESTROYED their life more than their other exes did bro. i literally knew that you would never change bro i thought you were cool at first when i met you but no you fucking changed into a fucking asshole bro thats the truth , you left us on read many times you made us feel like weirdos to you you made us feel UNSPECIAL?????!>|<>> you treated us so wrong you were super sus at those times tbh.
The truth is they also planned for a long time about divorcing you bro im glad you’re one of my ex friends i dont wannay deal with you anymore, i never liked you as a friend since when you started being AN asshole.
Oh and about the “controlling” thing . VIVI never controlled you in their life “lets forget about this” they never controlled you BY saying that it was them feeling bad for you/ hate seeing you sad but i dont THINK they feel bad for you anymore for being an asshole everyday to them. “ and i cant afford to care how you feel cause you never cared how i feel.” THEY DID FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL EVERY SINGLE DAY?!£{82]{£ oh my god. just og my god. If they didnt care about you or your feelings they wouldn’t have ignored and left everything cause of you. but they did cause they loved you and cared about you a lot. and im not victiming them i am defending them just like how your friends are defending you.
Have a paragraph from vivi.
hey stop saying i am victiming myself and lets stop this shitass situation i have no time dealing with this every single week i know my friends brings this situation up every week but stop saying that im blaming / victiming stuff i never did it was my bad english its not my first language i never knew that i sounded like i am victiming and blaming , u guys have no right to fight with each other about this situation its been like a month about this situation and u guys are still talking abt it [ to u and my friends. ] i honestly dont care abt liz feelings and it too and he also doesnt care abt me and my feelings so u guys dont have make it care abt me and stuff i honestly dont care anymore i feel more safe being without him and he also feels safe without me lets just stop this i dont wanna deal with this situation every single day its so stressful to me and stop mentioning my name on ur bio and talke abt it i tried many times to let my friends to delete the “exposing” abt liz but they never did. just stop already i hate remembering that you mentioned my fucking name in ur bio. i have a life i have feelings i cant go online every single day its just super stressful to me u cant just say “stfu” to me i have feelings and u guys do too but anyway hope u understand and if u didn’t understand i can explain this by another way./nm
Anyways guys
Dni if you’re
Abdel / supporters / followers
Frank / supporters / followers
Is racist
Is homophobic
Mike / supporters / followers
new hip tumblr sexyman (it/he) / followers / friends
Ex friends
Ex partners ( only for one cause we broke up because of our parents we still like each other D: )
Im half saudi-mexican
Yes i can speak arabic


16 Following     67 Follower

  Maki ( joji my beloved )

two besties having a beautiful conversation


2 years ago   Reply
  Maki ( joji my beloved )

new oc

Best homophobic person ever
Now am gay for seok yung 😻

2 years ago   Reply
  Maki ( joji my beloved )



2 years ago   Reply
  Maki ( joji my beloved )

doing a face reveal at 300 🧍

I have seen your face many times youre super cute <3333/p

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Maki ( joji my beloved )

Fanart for @Maki 😻😻😻❤❤❤❤

THATS ME 😻😻😻😻😻

2 years ago   Reply
  Maki ( joji my beloved )


I wish it was weird in a good way-

2 years ago   Reply
  Maki ( joji my beloved )

SWANA sexualisation and appropriation in media.

Thank you so much fuji.
Im so proud of you for pointing out this!
As a half middle eastern this is so ridiculous to me and bothered me a lot! Thank you so much just thank you! Finally someone pointed out!! <3

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Maki ( joji my beloved )

yayayy so close to 300 im so excited u guys are so nice i love u sososo much omg/p

Its cause we love you so much man ⁉️/p
Im glad that a lot of users are by your side!! Im also by your side >:))) You deserve more love! Mwah mwah <3/p

2 years ago   Reply
  Maki ( joji my beloved )

Hey its Hina ;)

FUJI WHAT IS YOUR PFP 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Maki ( joji my beloved )

Guys! Im officially Emo!

Vivi is joking around guys no need to be confused 😭

2 years ago   Reply
  Maki ( joji my beloved )


Oh my god.. thats actually so terrifying and.. scary honestly vivi my dear you were in a relationship that time. if i was in your place i would have told my partner about that, Maybe they would make me feel better or not but.. all you have to do is tell someone you trust about stuff like that vivi :(.. Im so so so sorry about what happened im actually super proud of you being brave and telling me this! But seriously you actually deserve better and feel even more loved. but you dont need to be taken or need a partner to feel loved well you have me and your friends and your family!! who actually loves you so much and more than everything! But anyway when you go to school please tell him to stop! if he touched you! dont be scared and if he didnt stopped. Go to the principals office and tell them about what happened between you and your teacher. No one can stop you from that you’re super strong vivi i love you so much/p you can do it! i believe in you!! <3

2 years ago   Reply (1)