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Somewhere in the A Group🔖 (I don't care group Z) New leader of A Group A and (⚠️Group 404 is so Danger⚠️)
and bro I am white RAT (NO HONEY IN CHAT)
25 Following 32 Follower
First, the maid set
thank you for 31 follower!
Please comment what I should dress today!
oh bruh
Professional Trap Test
If anyone wants to press follow, this time I will draw fan art for you!
100 followers thanks
And sorry for the rude words.
I said I really don't know.
crazy physics
I can't stop it right now
When you fire a gun, the gun hits you in the face
I'll be back tomorrow, okay?
Hi I am back!
What scares me the most in my life?
The answer is a pigeon
Three imposters
The most dangerous person in the group was the black bastard
Can u die and live at the same time?
I'm headless I'm not dead yet
Don't let my friend have red eyes like that.
Where's my head?
When I rap with my own shadow rat
It's a hundred times bigger than us.
There he is! But I don't know why he's black...
Doing nothing without knowing the black...