NOYB (none of your business)

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Joined this community because why not? Only joined to pass quarantine hours, also because I like to draw.

About this account:

Not kid friendly if you are under the age of 13 or some shit I suggest you don’t look at my content because I will most likely cuss like a sailor. But it’s your choice I guess.

About me:

Birthday: April 27th
Age currently: 15
Gender: Rather not say :/

Ocs so far:

1. Hakura/Me
Likes: Any good food, Drawing, Gaming, Writing, and Animals
Hates: Bugs, Snakes, Washing dishes, and Being sick.
Note: I am an Ambivert and dog/cat person and I like icecream
2. Jade
Jades About:
Likes: Sweets, Candy, Naps, and Cool shit.
Hates: Bugs, Stupid Drama, and Vegstebales.
Age: 14
Note: Jade is an introvert and is mostly a cat person .

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