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I have way too many fears
I don't know why but when ever I find a good friend online like you, I really just want to give the some kind of rubber band braiclet to show that I care about them
(I make rubber bands)
It's kinda lazy but better than 5 year old's drawing
I didn't want to sound needy, or anything, it's just the truth.. I just don't like the way I am now. I'm sorry for telling you random stuff
I have realized that I have become more respective and show it, yes it is good but it's too strange to me, and it makes me hide myself even more. I don't know why I'm even saying this to you
I just really want to be there to help you but it's impossible, I just hope the best for you. I hope she gets karma
This all is just pain in the ass. They somehow knew I had a boyfriend and now made fun of me at math class last week because I told them I was year older and stuff. This is not even playful anymore, even if they think it is
I don't feel the same pain as you, but I get mocked if I just want to talk with my new classmates, they mock me when I just want to talk. One classmate who's my "friend" won't give me personal space in breaks sometimes, my new "friend" couldn't care less about me and my classmate from old school is the only one actually nice person in my class. It's tiring and on top of that all the school stuff and mental problems
It's funny how we try to talk to each other but we both have probably nothing to talk about so It's just awkward
I guess I should stay silent if you don't want me to care/ask