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I can find you.
roses are red.
blood is red.
violets are blue.
blue is bruises.
I'm here to..
Find you :)

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:3 Bre


6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre


6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-hehe~..*licks milk* mm~

6 years ago   Reply

No Title

From rp

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-*nibbles more*~

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-heh~..ok~ *goes back to her area and nibbles her area *

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-*drawing would stop licking her area and then start humping derp *~

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-*licks area rough *~

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-*drawing would take her head done and start licking derp area*~

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-heh..your cute when you moan~..*drawing rub derp area more rougher and drawing would slide off derps strip legends *~

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-*drawing bra kinda slide off,drawing would rub derp's area*~

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing-*stops kissing and then drools,drawing pinned derp some on the bed *~

6 years ago   Reply

Lost two followers ;-;

I followed u!

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre


6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre


6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

(Brb need to get out of tub)

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

Drawing -*blushes aswell,I stick my tongue in her mouth as well~

6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre


6 years ago   Reply

:3 Bre

drawing-*grabs derp and pulls her close ,and then kisses her*~

6 years ago   Reply