Blueberry pop

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Hi am new here so lets get starting 😃😃😃

8 Following     14 Follower

  Blueberry pop

Who can relate

Me 😰😰😰😰

3 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry pop

Baby Bob scared of covid 19

His name is Bob be safe now 😷😷😷😷😷

3 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry pop

She's kanda sis

Yes I like fnf

3 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry pop

Blueberry pop

So he can't remember his friends

3 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry pop

He got demtia something like that

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Blueberry pop

She's kanda sis

Evil cute girl

3 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry pop


Can I make it for you?

3 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry pop


Ummm the short change color

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Blueberry pop

Dancing baby

Is it weird or cute?

3 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry pop

Cute among is girl

Comment if you like it pls ☺

3 years ago   Reply
  Blueberry pop

Cute among is girl

Sorry that it's going too fast and am new here am a teen

3 years ago   Reply