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17 | 2016 user
Discord : gyozin
🛜 used to be dakko

💙 dont use my old ocs/sonas for yours, please and thank you!

35 Following     150 Follower

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Ill do it if you get picked! :D

2 months ago   Reply (1)
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Thats if you get picked :33c im gonna do a wheel where i’ll pick five people

2 months ago   Reply (1)
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Where i pick 5 random people and draw whatever they want 😋

2 months ago   Reply (2)
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SLUT ^_^


2 months ago   Reply
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Not that cursed I thibk

Muffin i drew Ella for you as a thank you for the support! <3 tysm again lol the post ended up on trending

2 months ago   Reply
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Its me but girly

2 months ago   Reply
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2 months ago   Reply
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Dr Bob 🇺🇲🇮🇪✝️✡️ Mr.London,✝...

Tyyy <3 and plenty ppl draw her! Maybe its just me seeing them tho lol

2 months ago   Reply
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Blow up dakkos miku drawing right now!

No wonder i got like 10 notifications LOL TYSM MUFFIN <3

2 months ago   Reply (1)
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★Randomthedime★ (leader of ...

Lowkey it was the same thing honestly

2 months ago   Reply
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I want to be on the trending page lol

Last time i was it was like three years ago LOL u have to have a lot of followers so ppl view it
At most u need like 80 views😿

2 months ago   Reply (1)
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Errmmm it makes it less weird then 🐱 IDK LOLL Me personally itd feel weird to be dating someone that much older than me i personally would only date around a year older 😭

2 months ago   Reply (1)
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Not as much since then it means its only a two yr age gap but like u still have to take in account that even if they say ur “mature for ur age” its not necessarily true 🙄
17+19 i would say okay if the person just turned 19 this year but if they’re turning 20 then its not rlly okay😭 idkk just my opinion

2 months ago   Reply (1)
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HELP sorry i thought this was ur situation cuz the hair looks similarr 🐱
I mean yeah its less worse but then again that person is considered an adult basically everywhere; whereas a 16 yr old lis considered a teenager by a lot of ppl

I feel like the 19 yr old should be getting with ppl that are 18-21+ and 16 with ppl who aren’t already out of highschool or not even in Highschool yet💣

2 months ago   Reply (1)
  New File


HELP PPL WHO USE THOSE LINES TO TELL TEENS ARE WEIRD 😭 But like 15 and 18 is not far from u and the 19 yr old its just one year🙄

2 months ago   Reply (1)