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Hello, this is a new account lmao
(This page contains mature content aimed towards the audience of 13+)
Warnings: swearing, offensive humor
Gender: femcurious
Pronouns: she/they/him
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Romantic orientation: Polyromantic

Discord: Pogsforthepogchamp#1773

Random goals:
10 follows (x)
30 follows
50 follows
80 follows
100 follows
140 follows
170 follows
200 follows
250 follows
300 follows (probably never lmfao)
400 follows (nopeth)
500 follows (no, just no)
800 follows (I’ll get here once I move to a nation known as imagination)
1000 follows (I’d be dead by now)


14 跟随     17 追随者

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