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But they didn't know mines was already broken

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Yeah ikik
I do not like that
Seriously I hate that type of people 😭 like
They were super like that and I like to talk with a lot of people

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Sadly Yes way 💀⚰️

1 years ago   Reply (1)


They even told me they would curse me 💀🗿
Also they wanted me to always be online with them and immediate responses and I did so that for a while but they didn't so I decided to stop and they got super mad

1 years ago   Reply (2)


Yea improvement is the key for a lot of things in life :D
Also I'm finishing up all the fanarts in ibis paint

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Like I've gave them several warnings about my f**Ed up sense of humor and way of talking
And I'm conscious I'm not a good person
I told them before hand they didn't mind so I'd naturally assume they understood
But they didn't
Also they were willing to break my other friendships so I could be with them
They even threatened me saying they would hack my friends account

1 years ago   Reply

Cats to make me feel better

My soul is instantly repaired with these cats

1 years ago   Reply


But the bright side is that now I can talk with my family more! And play games with my siblings
I also have more time to talk with my mother and do things I like

1 years ago   Reply (1)


You know how I am and my nad personality and management of words right ? Well they tookeverything too personal 💀I mean I don't really care about breaking the friendship with them it's the best for both But I don't want to look like the villan cuz they umm Idk how to explain it but uhhhh they just like didn't want me to be with anybody else and gave me crappy excuses

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Bro I recently broke my friendship with my so called friend but I look like the villain 😭

1 years ago   Reply (1)


This account gives me chills
It's terrifying
I'll just go back to my alt Internaut

1 years ago   Reply (1)


The point is that this app is somehow addicting

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Me too
I've been here since like 3
(Actually 5) years
But I've been some time without account

1 years ago   Reply (1)


And I'm experiencing big art block
I may be able to doodle but not fully draw

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Bro this app is so boring
But I got nothing else to do 😭

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Yes you indeed did it👀

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Well of you want to you can

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Oh you don't have to if you want

1 years ago   Reply (1)


This one
For now
Then to Otl

1 years ago   Reply (1)


Manda por cualquier

1 years ago   Reply (1)