El /cake pops: 66/Friends(THE BEST FRIKIN PEEPS IN THE WORLD!): Nerdychan mang mang Lexi fire berry aquathefoxy bendythedancingdemon/ sis: WOLF

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Hi my full name is Elliott Paige Wininger I'm 9 in fourth grade my favorite bands are panic at the disco Green Day blink 182 and fall out boy I like to draw and animate in my spare time I also like to play video games I care for friends and have a great family I have one dog and used to have two cats my house and everything in it is the same age as me my b-day is June 17 I was born in year 2008 I live in Indiana and have been to 12 or 13 states and my dogs b-day is the Fourth of July my fav kind of music rock pop punk rock country pop country rock .


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  El /cake pops: 66/Friends(T...

Meet Lexi in Color

Btw if you see on meh friend list Lexi it's a different Lexi on her

7 years ago   回复
  El /cake pops: 66/Friends(T...

In my class last year we all confessed to our crushes

Now we are friends with a little group called the "cool kids"

7 years ago   回复
  El /cake pops: 66/Friends(T...

To hang out with boys is weird Ik but there's bad things

Wait who are you and why am I on your friend list are you someone I knew?

7 years ago   回复
  El /cake pops: 66/Friends(T...

Who know the song

( balled of the Mona Lisa is my fav)

7 years ago   回复
  El /cake pops: 66/Friends(T...

I think Ima wear this mask for a while...

Ima water a cereal killer mask to kill all fan girls

7 years ago   回复
  El /cake pops: 66/Friends(T...

Protect Lexi

-hugs but thx of you- thx you

7 years ago   回复