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Sup that's my new another account 😢
1 Following 17 Follower
Sticky tts me adam
Oh hey Adam!!
Legend the stick man vs red gaurdian
That's my uhh like 2nd ? Or 1st account idk
Sticky offical 2
I mean this kakorotttlegend
Sticky s red roster pt 1
Hi guys its- me... sticky I'm back ...that's my first account
~History Animation~
Oh Pakistan Wins :3
Itachi... uchiha!
Uh nope
The Pakistani War
1965 war ? Or 1971??
I love Naruto anime !
Eyes step by step
Follow me
Hi can u make Naruto vs Sasuke (last rasengan and chidori pls) ! Follow me too anosnykl
Jumping guys
Follow me stick mans jumpers!
Pakistani - Indian War Coming soon
Yes! Pakistan is weaker then India but brave! India isn't brave...(I'm not judging)
that much our national heros! Sacrifice their lives to win India!
Hey bro remember me sticky?
The Great Patriotic Ukrianian War
Can you make Pakistan and India war? I really wanna see it..
Saudi Arabia
Make a ball of Pakistan?
Draw first step by step their effects and done then click the cloud shaped button Click it then name the title you want and then click publish done
Help me...
Yo what happened?
Your local captain beans
Yo what happened Adam?
Rely? He is gone!