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Agartha boss lvl 100
Discord: brehgotwasted

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(There's nothing to apologize tho hun *pat*)

7 months ago   Reply (1)


(And dw, I understand what bothers u
That u want loving parents and such, I swear
I'm rly trying to understand most of ur problems
I'm rly trying so solve them, to make u feel at least a bit better
So that u can know that at least I can understand u)

7 months ago   Reply (1)


(U don't have to hide it from the tho, yk u can always Tell me, I'm not some therapist, I'm ur bf)

7 months ago   Reply (1)


(U can reach a lot in life if u'll ignore the hatred of ur parents and other people, try the best to avoid it)

7 months ago   Reply (1)


(Oh bae, it's not ur fault
It's them
As I said, they want to be a "perfect" family
So they reject everything they don't like from u
They wanna push u to suicide so they can finally get rid of u, don't Show weakness)

7 months ago   Reply (1)


*keep hugging and moaning*
(I just noticed lmao)

7 months ago   Reply (1)


*moan slightly and hugs back*
(Naaaaaaah, am nooooot)

7 months ago   Reply (1)


W-What r u doing? ^^'
(Ilyt *mwa*)

7 months ago   Reply (1)