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Red: *chough* chill // oil: you son of a bin## you
Me: *Yells* Stop!!
No mask: im *chough* fine
Me: Thanks Kitty *Catches It* * Gives it to No Mask*
I'm Getting A kitty!
It's Ok! *Writes Down the Names*
Oil: danm it l cut m-*hic* y self
Me: So Rude! *Texts Jole*
Me: *Gets Bandages* Here, You're Not Fine
Jole: *Walks Home* Me: IM BACCKK
Abbey: I'm just gunna lay down
Jole: Same Same..
Oil: what the fu##?
Jole: *Drinks Beer*
Jole: *slaps Oil* *hic* you did this to *hic* me
Dale: I can't see-
Jole: *kisses Dole back* It's Not Polite To Not return the favor!
So Many Good Ones!! *Slams Head on Table*
* Jole
Jolie: *Drinks more beer*
Jole: *Blushes*
Jole: *hic* How *hic* Am *hic* I **hic**?
Jole: How are you doing??
Jolie: *Hic* ughh.. *drinks more beer* Me: *walks In* Wha- Nope Nope *walks out*
Jole: Not yet *hic* *Drinks More Beer*
Jole: ? *Drinks more Beer*