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Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

No no they don't I don't care whats on the outside she's beautiful on the inside I wouldnt care what she looked like

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

Huh I I blush I can't say sweet thinks about her is that it huh

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

Butt alpha I truly really like her a lot

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

I don't care what ppl think about u what I know about u the sweet kindhearted girl with purple hair

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

Ur so nice u like wolfs your a little shy like me and your hood at drawing

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

Well I know but I can't help

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

I like like like like you

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

I like like like like you

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

I don't like her I like her as a friend

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

I can't explain the way I feel about u

11 years ago   Reply

Oh ok ^_^ nice to know then never mind

Where u talking to me Hana

11 years ago   Reply