TheGangAnimates ()Follower count:15() Currently:Online ()

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Hi Im Mairel
Age: 18
Likes: tea, orange, showing skin
Hates: Frogs, green, water
Current lover: Zack
Role: drawer

Hi I'm Cake
Age: 19
Likes: Sports, kicking ass, animating
Hates: Mairel, Orange, glasses, smurfs
Current lover: Lilli
Role: Animater

Hi I'm lilli
Age: 19
Likes: Sports, sweaters,tea
Hates: being alone, cake flirting with boys
Current lover: Cake
Role: Writer

Hi I'm Ann
Age: 17
Likes: writing, mairel, lilli, cats, candy
Hates: Cake, dares, dogs
Current lover: none
Role: answers questions, does Q & A's, Writes to fans,

Hey ladies im zack
Age: 17
Likes: Drawing, sketching, Mairel
Hates: Cake, Lilli, Ann, Anyone touching Mairel
Current lover: Mairel
Role: Mainly just Buggs mairel

34 Following     14 Follower

  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

Did I just get ignored-

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

Aren't you going to jump in? :3

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

arrives 10 mintue late like I said i would

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

eats all the tacos*

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

while I'm waiting I make tacos and eat alone*

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

arrives about 10 mintues late*

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

gets on a small little dress*

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

this is strange...I didn't think the mail man wasn't afraid of me, anymore.

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp?

I'll be mairel! she's my oc and my mascot for this acount :D

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Q: Do you guys like to dance?

sprinkles can you draw you for me :3 I need to see what you look like..

6 years ago   Reply