このユーザをブロック このユーザを通報
30 フォロー中 8 フォロワー
Red: love I'm gonna f**king kill you.
Yep there goes red getting girls XD
*writes on paper*hi red!
!*gives her a piece of chocolate*
*writes on paper*hi
*still asleep*
*asleep on floor*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Red: nope I didn't say sh*t.
Hai motherfuckas
CreepyPastas text RP
Ya cant kill me~!
*gives him his mask*heres your fucking mask!!!!!!
*still has his mask*YA FUCKING IDIOT *laughing*
*grabs ejs mask and puts it on*spoopy~!
Sally: hi!))me:...hi?
*slaps jeff*id enjoy if you suffer
*looks at jeff*......
*walks back home* they must look pretty~!
*stabs person*You must look pretty~
Person:awwwwe hello darling weres your parents!
*takes a butchers knife with me*going somewere now fuck off