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[[ currently on hiatus ]]
pee poo hi i like making small little animations here!!!
- pan/pangender (*´Д`*) - fandoms: Sky: CotL , Yume nikki , deltarune - you may refer to me as peir, peirsil, or moth
643 Following 268 Follower
For Peirsil’s challenge
thank you very much!!! ❤️
For Peirsil's DTIYS
Amahlee Hawkins (FOXlover)
lots of practice! i wasn’t always able to draw like this : )
For peirsir
thank you!!! ❤️
the ghost contest is the DTIYS! the contest for the unique design is tomorrow.
♡{{Pa̸n̸icK̸e̸yy}} ♡
thank you for alerting me!
Peirsil’s challenge
thank you so much!!!!
Winter DTIYS !! (Peirsil)
thank you so much!!!
For Prince✨ challenge
wow!!! :0
For Peirsil's Challenge
thank you so much!!!! ❤️
this has caused me great mental and physical pain
“Tsk! Remember, you started it first!” ٩(╬ŏ3ŏ)و (W.I.P.)
amazing !!!!!!
the prizes are included in the description now!
sleepy_meter ! ☆ { He / It }
YESSSS oh my god literally all of them are awesome
pleaaasse if you haven’t already listen to entomologists 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
my favorite vocaloid artists are ghost and pals, MARETU, and kikuo. my favorite vocaloid songs, currently, are hole-dwelling - kikuo, entomologists - ghost and pals, and white happy by MARETU. if you would like, i can link my spotify playlist : )
For Peirsil's Contest
wow! thank you very much!!
For Peirsil challange
For @Peirsil challenge
Peirsil‘s Challenge
aww thank you !!!