〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

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Hello! My name is Skittles

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay and Pansexual ;3;
Likes: candy, sweet stuff, anything nice
Dislikes: mean stuff
Personality: nose bleeding at cute stuff
Hobby: flying
Species: Winged Wolf

Crush: no one
Friends: my followers
Kids: 0
Siblings: 1 (Skit- male)

Skit: hi

Gender: Male
Sexuality: asexual
Likes: brother, friends, everything nice
Dislikes: anything mean or rude
Personality: shy
Hobby: flying
Species: Winged Wolf
Skit: Greetings.

Crush: no one
Friends: Me
Kids: 0
Siblings: Me (Skittles)

10 Following     13 Follower

  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

W-why did you do that to pandy!

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

*whimpers in pain* Aggh! *eyes go normal* h-huh? *coughs* owww! W-what are you doing?! Ow! Stop stepping on me!

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

*eyes open and sees pandy* p-pandy *puts paw on the wound and a flash of red light flows into you healing everything*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

*Coughs violently* *COUGH* *coughing blood out*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

Hahahahah----........... -looks down at where It went threw me- *mouth wide open and starts to bleed and cough blood* *falls on knees and holds the bleeding spot* *eyes roll up and hit and then they close and i fall*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

BIG MISTAKE.....*summons 1,000 million knives around them*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

O-O,,,, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *drops pixie and holds the you know where spot with both hands* SON OF A SKITTLE!

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

Well why would I do that? STUPID GIRL. *kicks may away*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

Where do you think YOUR going? *grabs pixieque by the neck and pulls her out of the water*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

HISSSSS!!! -gets knife and try's to stab them-

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

Yeeaahhh...*gives a deadly stare at may, pixieque, and kittykia*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

*catches the dead eel* hm? What's this...-scans the eel- it has no guts..*thriws It into the sea-

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

Hehe..,tøø bad I dønt håvę āñÿ GÚTŠ

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

Oooh~ my fav flavor..with a spice of guts!

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

*puts the tip of my paw on the tip of the knife* will I snap out of it? Hehe.....*very creepy smile*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

*gets the red icecream and spreads it on my knife* looks..,,DEADLY..*sticks tongue out and licks it slowly*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Beach rp starts here

Can my Flavor be.,,RED? Hehe..

7 years ago   Reply