ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

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Hello! Welp lets get to the information!

Name: Spacetime Vencoriuo Vincristine
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush: Nebby~
Lover: Nebby
Personality: Shy,Kind,straight up weird to the soul

Q: What's your favourite kind of food
A: Pizzzzzzza!!

Q: Where ya live
A: No NU telling you
Q: Friend?
A: Freind!
Q: Draw Meh!
A: Okie
Q: Do you know any jokes??
A: Nope But We are all Full of memes *shrugs*
Wait you still here! Leave Shoo Shoo!
*Pushes you out* BAi *Waves*

8 Following     5 Follower

  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤


Me: Sure am!! Chris: Everbody else is still sleeping??

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

New Look (Reupload)


7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤


Me: Kon'nichiwa!! Lily: Hola! Chris: Bonjour!

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

(Twitter is a magician)

Lily: *catches Twitter* gotcha!!

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

One of my cousins omost died but I'm glad there alive

I feel so sorry for almost having your Cousin Died!!! Hope There doing ok!!

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

(Twitter is a magician)

Lily: *Claps* Yay!!! *Hugs Twitter*

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

Dare me

Me: Go to NYC!!

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤


Me: Oh my God!! She met you???

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

(Twitter is a magician)

Lily: Awesome!!! Got any other friends??

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

(Twitter is a magician)

Lily: Catches it* Yey!! But you still got wings I suppose?

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

Dare me

Lily: Cut it in Half then!!

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

(Twitter is a magician)

Lily: Soo, Can I eat you???

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤


Me: *texts you* Alert!! I Think Delta is in Chris's House!!!

7 years ago   Reply
  ºO¤$p@c£T!M £ºO¤

Dare me

Lily: I dare you to eat a Squirrel!! Let's see how country you are!!

7 years ago   Reply