Obito uchiha (leader of the kamui clan)

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Hi,. I'm obito uchiha.
I would greatly appreciate if you support my work by just likeing my posts or maby following (of course you don't have to do any of this but it would be great
my fav anime is Naruto

Goal 20 followers ✔️
Goal 40 followers✔️
Goal 60 followers
I mainly post Naruto based stuff but I could always try something else if anyone wants

If you have read this hope you have a good day/night

Also some info about the real me(not obito uchiha):


Gender: not saying
Name: also not saying
Zodiac: Aries (12th April)
Fav anime: Naruto
Currently watching:my hero acadamia,black clover,Attack on Titan

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ಠ_ಠ OH NO


\(◎o◎)/ ItS BrOkEeEEeEEEn

32 Following     54 Follower

  Obito uchiha (leader of the...

Taiyo Lu

Cool mine is madara😈😸

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Obito uchiha (leader of the...

What should I draw

Hmmm okay Ill probably do it later or tomorrow

2 years ago   Reply
  Obito uchiha (leader of the...

PEELY but as a HUMAN

Ohhh PEELY is a Fortnite skin lol

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Obito uchiha (leader of the...

Taiyo Lu

Sorry I haven't been around I've had to do some things

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Obito uchiha (leader of the...

Clock 😐

._. it only 21:06 for me

2 years ago   Reply
  Obito uchiha (leader of the...


Ohh I never did this before so I didn't know 😅

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Obito uchiha (leader of the...

Pick a spot (who wants 1 and 3)

Wait what do you want you to look like

2 years ago   Reply