Galaxy ♡◇ | magic | Melodi | brave | 100 % real | Kitty fan :3

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Heya im galaxy!!! I luke potatos :3 im {12}

Rain :3

-cryes- prickly left me

Okie over to facts
Name: Magma
Age: 12 :333

Pet: 1 dogs
Hobby: art

15 Following     7 Follower

  Galaxy ♡◇ | magic | Melodi ...

Single Pringle

-Sits lonely in can- :( no one likes me...

7 years ago   Reply
  Galaxy ♡◇ | magic | Melodi ...

Singel pringle

I mean idk I have never meet you before

7 years ago   Reply
  Galaxy ♡◇ | magic | Melodi ...

Single Pringle

What did you do that for -jumps down in can and slaps back-

7 years ago   Reply
  Galaxy ♡◇ | magic | Melodi ...


I b-believe s-so -hugs kittytoons-

7 years ago   Reply
  Galaxy ♡◇ | magic | Melodi ...

Touch Chart

Hoi :3 -touches hair- fluffy :3

7 years ago   Reply