elliott yippeeee!!!

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you dont really even need to know anything about me.
i like vocaloid and melanie martinez and i used to be on this app since 2020 with 2 diff accounts.

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  elliott yippeeee!!!

Ok I can't die tho

Yeah it's not mine I searched it too it had no results

1 years ago   Reply
  elliott yippeeee!!!

I'm mad with you guys who was on the wb

Ppl wanna kill me but sorry that happend...

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  elliott yippeeee!!!

Ok I can't die tho

Is that supposed to be where I live bc it's not

1 years ago   Reply
  elliott yippeeee!!!


Ok you can't make me die. You can only say things. You don't know where I live

1 years ago   Reply
  elliott yippeeee!!!


Nah I'm good. I don't wanna suffocate myself unless you want me to die

1 years ago   Reply
  elliott yippeeee!!!


Happy really early b-day

1 years ago   Reply