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I hate my life...... I HATE IT...... I wish I was never born....
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What should I draw
Rey to draw me!
No Matter how hard I try to sleep....... I JUST CANT!!!!
I meant can't STUPID AUTOCORRECT!!!!
I keep staying up but I can sleep...
Candy: hi Crystal! Do u remember me?
Candy: oh no * eye glows bright and Sences a lot of energy *
Candy: ......
Candy: I'm candy! I'm Crystals old friend.... I'm not old.. I'm just a friend that Crystal remembers.....
Candy: who are you?
Young Crystal: you know one thing I hate about..... Being...
Young Crystal: I'm s-sorry you had t-to see that... * cries grey tears *
Young Crystal: * sits on knees and holds stomach * I-it hurts! * coughs out more inky blood *
Crystal: * coughs out inky blood *
Young Crystal: I had t-the I-ink desiese.... As a b-baby....
Ok! *takes the big shirt off of him * there.... * gives him baby shirt and shorts *
Young Crystal: wait a minute.... I have baby shorts and a tiny shirt.....
Crystal vs Bendy
Crystal: if anyone glitches here * turns young * we turn into kids!!
Crystal: * laughs like hell * OH MY GOD!! I said adopted not had....
Crystal: * runs to Golgi and hugs her * it's ok... You don't have to...
She told me to tell shadow that game over got a child........ Adopted one....
Bando: HOI!!!
Bendy#2: shit.....