pinkyy ( member of the superhero club )

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youtube: pinkyy

call me pinky and adri

zodiac sign: taurus
follow AveLofi and ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ„๐ŸธStrawberyFroqqy๐Ÿธ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ“
they have cute art styles!
help me get 80!!
kiki: pink
zuzu: chocolate brown
luka: brown
ashter: blue
bell: orange
tutti: red
miyoki: purple
hope u like my animes <3

pov: get me mc donald's

65 Following     60 Follower

  pinkyy ( member of the supe...


oh! i took a break too!

1 years ago   Reply
  pinkyy ( member of the supe...

This people hurts me in school

go like super mode and do sonic run and punch them then when the teacher gets you in trouble just say they started bullying me FIRST

2 years ago   Reply (2)