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Ace Minor What’s up Gay, polyamory, transgender K bye
47 Following 21 Follower
{Robyn smiled}
“It’s great.. I never thought I would have a family.”
{Iriel places Allennons head on his shoulder}
“Eh, it calms me down from my anxiety so it’s fine.”
“What does what feel like?”
{Uriel thought for a moment} “As long as I can smoke I’m fine.”
{Robyn shrugged}
{Uriel was smoking weed}
{Robyn was wearing a crop top like shirt showin of them abssss}
You can’t get addicted to weed, it’s nothing like a drug, doctors actually prescribe it))
{hmmm idk}
Yeah? ))
My relationship is already like theirs, except I’m gonna smoke the weed-))
{Uriel texts: “Thanks, that stuff is delicious”}
He’s started smoking again because it for his anxiety))
{Uriel texts: “Hola Amor.”}
No, sorry))
“Tf is going on?”
It’s like medicine you smoke, it helps with anxiety))
«What the hell is going on!?”
{Uriel stayed quiet for a minute} “How much weed did I have last night?”