✨🖤Luna & Glitch💙🐾(member of cute snow leopards and dogs clan 🐺🐶🖤💛)

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You can call me LW, Luna,LunaWolf,JKLuna,JKL, Jk💖 or LunaJk pls don't call me Furry,Wolf Girl, wolfy
Or ugly, stupid,dumb,bi-h, or anything like that
Pfp by my GF(fury)!!💖
I joined on 3/20/2022 or March 20th Here are some fun facts about ME! :D
Age: Secret >=3 Gender: Girl
Zodiac: ♉ Tarus I believe Bday: May 20 =3💖👍
My favorite animal(s): I like them all but Wolves are my fav :3
Things I like: Animals, Drawing/Animating (obviously), Summertime :)
Hobbies besides drawing & animating:
Taking care of my pets Winnie, Snowball,Tori and Silver (will be in some animations) and Singing (I'm pretty good) Being myself lol
Personality: Weird, funny, kinda sus..., nice, I'm oddly always hungry... IDK lol
Favorite song(s): ummmm.... wayyy to many :/ Favorite food: I will eat like anything lol.
If you follow me I follow you ♡
If and when you follow me you become my Friend =3💖👍
I ♥︎ You All
I use ❤'s in literally everything
Just so you know ♥︎★
This account is for everyone except
Drama Queens
And Haters
Btw you can swear just so you know =3
Idk what to say now......
Thanks for reading about my life I guess XD
Pls follow =3
loveofdog, shida uni girl, Milo losa, ?beans?, L@L (member of creamy cat clan), and erin(member of creamy cat clan),CreamCat,sad bunny, and fury
They are my besties
Oh yeah this matters....
💖 In Love
💔 heart broken
❤ happy
🧡 normal
💛 bored
💚 uggggg
💙 wanna cry
💜 want to kill everyone
🤎 crying at moment
🖤 depressed
Feeling rn


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  ✨🖤Luna & Glitch💙🐾(member of...


I'm upset though
My grandma was coming over and my sister who lives far away was coming
But now no one is =(

2 years ago   回复