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Eyeless Jack
(tell him I said it)
(hey, wake up jeff >:3)
(hey where's Jeff?)
(*face plam* I'm lost...............Kill me now...........................)
(u are)
(lol, ur hitting on him again)
When your little sister steals your hoodie knowing that you never wear a shirt
(that's what u get!!! Lol)
(are u sure??? :3)
(well I like Jeff, and he likes me -///^///- we talk on Gmail so don't push it I'll tell him everything that you say bad about him :3)
(ur blushing like crazy)
(oh btw, ur face tells a different story on that one)
(Lou, I talk to Jeff on Gmail he's not a psycopath)
(and dude don't hit on eyeless jack)
(he's not a psycopath, u just got to understand him )