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Miko β˜†

"between liz and him" whos him bro u lost me
who....called who a pussy πŸ’€
u cant just say no names and expect me to know what u mean

2 years ago   Reply (1)

Miko β˜†

also he/him/his is for friends only β€’_<
dont refer to liz as a he unless u want to be his bestie <3

and how does me addressing the fact that luna used liz's deadname in order to torment it even relate to me kissing his ass
bro u literally kiss luna and vivi's ass ??u have no right to criticize me on something im not even doing
fr ignored everything they did

2 years ago   Reply (5)

Miko β˜†

u fr thought that was gonna do smth huh
now what sane person would listen to a random bitch on the internet who tells them to kts bro 😭

2 years ago   Reply (1)

Miko β˜†

im aware im black thanx for the reminders ig!

and i forgave him cause....i wanted to??? bro literally what other reason is there
forgiving him was my choice, i dont even need to provide reasoning behind it

2 years ago   Reply (2)

Miko β˜†

dawg both luna and vivi said that
literally how else could i interpret the fact that they were married bro πŸ’€ how did that even go to " did you know that english isnt the only language "

2 years ago   Reply (2)

Felt like drawing cubes

also dawg unspecial isnt....a word...
and u.....dont know what sus means....
before u even say shit abt me and liz u might....wanna learn ur vocabulary............
and liz and vivi.....werent marriedπŸ’€

god i want to hex ur ass so bad ;;

2 years ago   Reply (7)