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I just like to read manga and watch anime
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Dev8o: u have to!
*Peter also panics and rushes to him*
Kit went outside and sees him standing there*
Robyn: I will...
Drvil: ik ik try and push
Kit: fine ig..wait u ok?
Devil: oh...
Diego wants to go but doesn't wanna be near devil snd Robyn comes over and hugs him*
Devil: shit shit -they sit him diwn*
Kit: mm..
Frvil: u ok?
*she teleports him to them and start to panic*
*they hug him*
Kit: idc! I'm almost in second year of high-school!
*Diego and her freeze then look at him*
Kit: huh?
Devil: what r u doing? - they feel kinda bad leaving the other*
*she cuddles him and goes on her phone *
Peter: oh... um he wants to come in
*they smile a bit*
*she hears mirios voice then immediately gets up and gets dressed and starts cleaning*
Kit: babe my dad's here
*idk just am*
Oeter: uh ike! Come here pls
*they hug him*
*she cuddles into him*
*sorry! Sorry*
*Peter answers confusedj
Devil: idk...
*she makes th3bnouse and looks at him*
*th3y not and do so*
*they're crying*
*she makes the noise so much*
Kit: mm..b..babe...
*they kiss his cheek*
&they start to cry*
She makes the noise*
Devil smiles and hugs him*
*they just look dowmJ