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Encanto girl
*they kiss back dying*
*he looks worried*
Devil: nah came to protect mir *holds him*
They blush more and hold their shoulders*
*he stands in front of him just in case
*devik sighs and sits between them*
They blush kissing back*
*he pulls him back slowly*
*they go back to the others*
They blush lots*
*he teleports to him*
They mod and leave*
They blush and nod a bit*
*Peter immediately goes looking for him*
*they laugh a bit*
They blush* Devil: mir what the-
*he kisses his head and orders take away*
Devil pats his head*
They come and sit*
Oeter: hehe ok
*they realize and tell him*
They do so*
Peter: what so u want to eat?
*they scan him*
Devil: what r u doing
*he blushes lots*
Devil: hmm
They look at his chest blushing*
*he blushes looking at him*
Devil: u ok????
Th3y blush*
*he kisses back dying*
*they laugh a biy
They glance at his chest a bit *
*he kisses back*
Devol: that was some good singing U had there
They're blushing a bit*
*his tail wags*
Devil: love u 2 *pats his hrad*
They blush a bit but kiss his heqd *
*he goes red* Peter: n..natsuo!
They look down at his chest*
*he goes with him confused*
*they pat his head&
They hold him*
Peter: wym?
*they laugh so much*
They come and kiss his head*
Oeter: hm?
*they laugh*
Thru look at him*
He laughs a bit*
They shrug*
They sigh of relief*
*Peter points *
*they laugh a biy*
They give her their finger*
Oeter: hehe cute
Devil explains *