封锁这个用户 报告该用户
Lazy .,.
🇫🇷 🇨🇩🇬🇧 Btw make sure to follow @boy_dearboy.8 hes an amazing artist Welcome 😀
Narencia and kotetsu ur my idols
62 跟随 23 追随者
Thank you everybody for 34 follows!
Maan I got 15 😭
Floppa Challenge!
When does it ende imao
I tried to draw good but it came out bad
Let me see the drawing if I could log into ur acc I could draw for u but u won't belive me cus I'm just a follower
Should I be a countryball?
Yes be a country all be the uk no one is the uk apparently imao
Same i made a acc that copies à ligit youtuber and I pretended I had a girlfriend but it was really a alt I made ☠️
For bos’s challenge!
Imao bos is not a girl u have to draw his oc not ur own
Comment your favourite activity
Netflix and chill ✨
Hall of Fame - @ 🇰🇷Fury Korea ball🇰🇷
Where is my hall of fame
for bos' challenge
If u do me fanart ill do u fanart
I thought she died from tanjaro
Kotetsu If You Out There
Ty u r sweet aswell
My god I never new how good death note was
I thought yall were talking ab the death note from Netflix the human one dam I'm missing out
Say Tanjaro if u have watched démon slayer
Fan art for Rondônia state ball
Noice 👍
New Fighting Sports
Q3 Can you hug me?
Hug 👍
I stood up today!
I dunno what happened I just saw this on my fyp
Anatomy practice part 2 🥸
Narancia If You Out There
Btw u and ur friend draw good i adore ur drawings ur like my anime maker idol so it means alot for me to talk to u 😄
Taylor Swift for Silverstrike
Try to draw me realistically