idk [SHE | HER]

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not active account

social networks (ACTIVE):
telegram - @dox_naPALO4KE
tik tok - @ijj_jj11
insta - @dox_napalo4ke
vk - @ijj_jj11

do not try to meet with me at anime maker

brief information: im 12 years old, and im from belarus, my real name maria. sexual orientation and gender? i don't want to say it here to all people...
speaking and learning english, russian and belarusian. also i like to draw, i like botany/biology and informatics.. :D
don't be afraid or shy make acquaintances with me, i'm friendly!!

fandoms/favorite music artists (ONLY ACTIVE):
one wheat mark, alfred's playhouse, creatures of sonaria, odetari, lumi athena, fab fantasy, lapfox (ALSO TQBF, RENARD), your boyfriend, boyfriend to death, john doe, invader zim, slime rancher, crystal castles, jack stauber, rebzyyx, grimes, mindless self indulgence, rory/loly in early 20s, TV girl, yabujin
also my favorite styles are: y2k (REAL. Y2K.), emo, scene, yabujin core, cyber core, frutiger aero.

that's all!!


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