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yeah, I'm back. -_- you know ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ ★煪 your dɑily cringe delivery chɑrɑ ✆゚ ıllıllı(member of Le odd ones) or your dai;y cringe delivery? or baghead. ;v;

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Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Glow: *holding JJ down while sophia is barricading the door*
rose: what the fuck happened to the house?! *there is wood hammered onto the broken windows*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

*nah the house is a mess because eclipse made JJ almost kill them*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Rose: we need to go home NOW
smiles: follow me *goes through a dark corner*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

*the rest runs to the master chambers and says they need to go home now*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

*eclipse dies then the castle starts to crumble all the people trapped in a trance are sent free back to their homes*
rose: wait if the people were controlled....
Fira: we don't know whats going on in our world...
JJ: Glow!

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

eclipse: *stays still as he just looks at him strait in the eyes and says nothing. he knows he is a dead man*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

eclipse: you heard me...but for now, you can end me. I dont care. they will continue my legacy.
Qwere: I knew it. I knew there was something off!
Eclipse: what are you waiting for? didn't you hate me that much?

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Eclipse: *doesn't respond his face is shattered but there is something under it like a soul *
Qwere: thats unsettling...
Eclipse: Farewell. I have lost but I think that my young successor will be more grand than I was.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Eclipse doesn't even send people to help him or anything he just sites there as if he knows its over or as if he isn't needed anymore?*
Qwere: too easy... everybody keep your guard up...
eclipse: *smiles*....
Fira: thats creepy...

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Eclipse: *flies to the highest peek of the castle because he is sparing time*
Qwere and fira shoots again hitting him in the back*
Eclipse: *agony*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Qwere: 1!
Everybody shoots and eclipse screams in pain as the starhold comes out of his forhead and the porcelain armor breaks mostly off*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Qwere: 2...
Fira aims it and prepares focusing*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Fira: fira.
Qwere: hm?
Fira: my name is fira.
Qwere: pretty name. but we can talk after this okay? *aims the bow of death*
fira: o-okay *aims the crossbow*
Qwere: 3...

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Qwere: here ma'am *to fira ^he doesnt remember her name so he tries to be polite^ he gives her a crossbow* aim for the crystal okay
fira: okay *red faced*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

*there is no vent but its a hallway and its secluded*
Qwere: okay from the count of three we use our weapons on his weakspot then we do the rest of the armor. okay?

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Qwere: exactly *infront of the line of people*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

rose: you know he is using you right? don't you remember what the mission was? to stop the villains. eclipse is a narcissistic villain who tricked you.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

rose: we can turn his people over eclipse! *she is putting a plan together* okay *gets drifttails* hey buddy, whats your message? *she knows that eclipse told him to spread the word about his "peace" movement* I am curious
Echo: OOOOOh! *gets the idea* lets go guys.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

JJ: where he usually is. In his chambers. also echo is now with us.
echo: I am so sorry that I hurt you guys... *she looks at rose* I didn't mean to-
rose: hey, no hard feelings echo. but you did break my nose and leg. and sent me to the hospital. again

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Glitched (ErrorRobby)

*JJ checks if anybody is listening*
JJ: okay just go for the crystal in the head. his weakspot.. and you can bring others back put of our trance as smiles did with a few of us.

1 years ago   Reply (1)