Big Man 42 (weekly)

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Not weekly anymore, i guess,
But hey, atleast i am back

9 Following     45 Follower

  Big Man 42 (weekly)


When Russia offers brazil with sputnik covid vaccine:

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

Fan art for @Seika<3

Am i blind or is the fanart just a pink background?

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

Blue and Black

Yoooo i never expected nigeria vs avatar

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

Dude this "antomi drawers" keeps begging for followers

I feel like he doesn't even care for what post he chooses, he will even ask for followers here too

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)


Idk wtf i did to ur soul but i apologize

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Big Man 42 (weekly)


I.... meant that u were literally posting things about everything u were doing anything u did about the day, the comment was just satirical, why in the world are u so offended, i never criticized ur art skill,

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

Ho ho ha haπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸŽΌπŸŽΌ

Who would have known, u would be one of the best artist on the app

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)


Hi back, i am dad

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

am back from eating and am drinking water now

Dang whats next "I am done drinking, now i am breathin"?

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Big Man 42 (weekly)


Where are the two towers?

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

why is this community so toxic to 10 year olds..

The majority of this app is 10 year olds soooo

1 years ago   Reply (1)