Yunz ♡

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I don't mind doing requests! ✨

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  Yunz ♡

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Mad: well thats because I stand hehehh

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Mad: ooooo that's decent, im 5'2!

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Mad: *pat pat* are you small?

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Mad: Thanks! I haven't seen another fox in awhile so I'm happy to see you

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Mad: I'm Maddy! I love your name Tox the Fox

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Mad: *sits by you* whats ur name?

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡



3 months ago   Reply
  Yunz ♡

Mini muffin

thank you! 💚

3 months ago   Reply
  Yunz ♡

Mr Milk


3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

ahem, I don't disagree with you 🗿

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

Mr Milk

RIIGHT?! I saw an artist on TikTok who can actually draw like that 😭

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

The process for this, like the sketching and stuff. The clothes were gonna be next, but I lost motivation. Thank you though! 💚

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Yunz ♡

Mini muffin

Woa, thank you! 💜

3 months ago   Reply
  Yunz ♡

Useless Idiot

Yunz: woah ok calm down lol

3 months ago   Reply