Zack Makes Bad Decisions

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First Name: Zackery (Zack)
Middle Name: Why would I tell you?
Last Name: Why would I tell you?
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: March 15, 2013
Age: 11
Height: 4' 9"
Weight: 84.6 lbs
Martial Status: Single
Hobbies: Making bad decisions, watching YouTube videos, sleeping, playing with plushies, petting his dogs and cats, playing with his dogs, looking up pictures of cute animals, reading, watching movies, drawing, playing video games, shooting people and things with water guns, going outside, watching his favorite baseball team.
Likes: Harry Potter, SML, Brewstew, Kindly Keyin, Sonic The Hedgehog, Mario, plushies, his family, his friends, YouTube, cars, peanut butter, cats, dogs (sometimes), eating, drinking, McDonalds.
Dislikes: Loud noises, Sssniperwolf, too much butter on his toast, his annoying older brothers, dogs (sometimes).
Apearance: Messy and curly blonde hair, pale skin, fat face, rosey cheeks, pointy nose, amber eyes (I think), skinny arms, small hands, short.

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  Zack Makes Bad Decisions

Ok I’ll be gone for, idek how long

10 months ago   Reply
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions

10 months ago   Reply
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions


Like this

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions

Question too me (real life me)

If you could meet anybody who would it be?

10 months ago   Reply
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions


So all people who have depression or in a situation out of their control are all bad people because according to you that's the case

10 months ago   Reply
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions


Imagine hating on someone because they're going through a depression or situation

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions


They aren't toxic they're going through some sort of depression or a rough situation and I hate to see people hating on her even though she is just in a situation

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions


How do I do that?

10 months ago   Reply
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions


Seriously, he is that ugly

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions

Bro some of the boys at my school think my moms hot 💀

*inhale* *exhale*................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

10 months ago   Reply
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions

25 more till 1k

And no I'm not a stan

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions


No, I'm not a Dream stan.

10 months ago   Reply
  Zack Makes Bad Decisions


I hope she comes back soon

10 months ago   Reply