King butter

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I'm the king of butter
My main oc
Sexuality: bisexual
Birthday: January 6

I'm in love with no one!

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  King butter

Where did all this water come from!?

Look at my new animation!!l

1 years ago   Reply
  King butter

My power went off while I was drawing this-

Oh no sweet cherry help me please!!!!!

1 years ago   Reply
  King butter

My power went off while I was drawing this-

And she's been through a lot
well I'm sorry for bothering you

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  King butter

My ice cream for my sweet cherry

And I'm butter that's how I made the ice cream

1 years ago   Reply
  King butter

My ice cream for my sweet cherry

You do know there is butter in ice cream

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  King butter

My ice cream for my sweet cherry

Do I need butter in ice cream

1 years ago   Reply
  King butter

My power went off while I was drawing this-

Go to my account to see the ice cream!

1 years ago   Reply
  King butter

My power went off while I was drawing this-

I'm just going to get Oreo ice cream with vanilla flavoured sprinkles!

1 years ago   Reply (1)