🌸🧁Blueberry muffins🧁🌸

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It's Renamiko
It's my alt account
Actually Jessica is my real name

Renamiko + Jessica = jenassiko

U can call me Rena, Miko or Jessica
Whatever u want

My pfp is made by me

Beauty is seen
In the sunlight
The trees, the birds
Corn growing, people working
Or dancing for their harvest

Beauty is heard
In the night
Wind sighing, rainfall
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest

Beauty is in yourself
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams
In your work
And even in your rest

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  🌸🧁Blueberry muffins🧁🌸

Happy Halloween! (*´ ˘ `*).。oO ( ♡ )

How are u so talented , how u have such cool costume ideas super girl

2 years ago   Reply