ˢ ⁱ mp☆

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Pfp: @bootheghost

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  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


I did?
Nothing much. I had a big fight bc ppl where in me and my “friend”’s business and yelling at us for talking in Chinese when they wouldn’t leave us alone

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Nothing it’s all deleted now.

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Z I really . Need a hug. Now.

1 years ago   Reply
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


(But where not…)

1 years ago   Reply
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆



1 years ago   Reply
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆

Yeah gotta go smoke till I pass out


1 years ago   Reply (2)
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆

almost done 💪💪💪

Beautiful man! It looks great well done and nice shades :D

1 years ago   Reply
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


I act gay but I say I like dicks.
It’s werid

1 years ago   Reply
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Nah it’s your hair you fluffy.
But yes 🤣🤣

1 years ago   Reply
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


(Take bite of soap)
Not that bad man.

1 years ago   Reply
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


I feel like some days you would just…soap wait let me draw it brb
Also yes I know I’m gross you can get me now <3

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Jealous sobs. My bo smells like onions and chicken soup

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Oh yay :D
And then the other most of the time I smell like BO. Like when I wake up…
That got personal <3

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆

Have you ever wondered what I smell like?

I smell like green apple most of the time..or some cheap body spray filled with chemicals that get you high <3

1 years ago   Reply (1)