Got a stylus! Finally!! My friend is letting me borrow it :D
I don't ship it all the way...But...The ship is about to leave, though it may have to cancel.
Funniest Photo Slide Or Animation Challenge!!! {READ DESC}
Sorry, So many typo's
I just got here and I saw the one where it was done ;~;....Could you make another one, if it's not too much to ask?
I dare you ask Alice out and then when she's in the mood (if she says yes) throw flowers at her face and say: "TRICKED YA!" XD
The art is really good! A bit sloppy though...But, way better than mine! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations May, you won Oli's mini pickup line contest!
I dare Oli to kiss the person who hates him the most >:3
This is amazing art and actually I never knew that! Keep up the good work!!!
i wish that i had a boyfriend but i dont want my hart to break anymore
Yeah, EndeemanPierce..You are right although she is being a pain we all have our opinions, and yes I do not agree with hers and I can see you don't either just let it be
Hey, Travisjacob..I would love to see your drawings! Sorry I didn't reply sooner!
i wish that i had a boyfriend but i dont want my hart to break anymore
Who wants to start a roleplay later?