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Yo! I'm Bradleh
3 Following 9 Follower
PLS do a bull dog that would be cool
I'M BACK (looking at my first anime)
Wow 223 days i uploaded this ago well my real first anime
drawing your comments 2 draw me jumping from my window saying I'm a flying potato and turn into one
Hey can i try that i will say on the title (from the darcerlady)
Sis v bro trailerr
In the middle before ok it says says time to go to school thats what ment
In the middld befoe ok it says time to go to school srry i messed up when iwere editing
Err ok
Well done leah
Hello my name is Pusheen and my goal is to get 20 followers will you follow me
Hey pusheen I've got my account back
Gwibard The Meatball
Ur great
I'm Liza
Luna give me a whish to get something and I will follow you
I were gonna follow up but no
And where the hell is my wish to get anything or is it only first
Who's 2nd
I wonder what place I am?
Luna wolf what place am i
Yep well done
U so won
I've drawn myself look in new on top of your drawing
Like my jump?
That jump is worse than mine I will show you how to jump