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Gn🦇😈 and Axolotl.L(loser)🗿(🗿👹👺💀 lEaDeR of tHe AxOLoTl CLuB 💀👺👹🗿) (👁 LEADER OF THE 🔺ILLUMINATI🔻 CLUB/ARMY👁) think it’s funny I was told to kill myself.
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Oh nope, I’m Christian
You aren’t funny for tearing me down because of my art
Why does it matter? I personally am Christian.
wait I can send death threats?
It causes lots of people to take their lives
Marc n' Egg
It’s okay I’m back :)
You really just obsessed with me at this point huh?
It’s basically people telling you to off yourself, kill yourself, usually cuss you out and tell you that you don’t deserve to live
Aw I’m so sorry Why can’t we stop tearing others down because of appearance?