Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

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Cosmo is god and you should praise her every night

42 Following     49 Follower

  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

Photo in progress (P.T.P)

So cute but aslo Cool at the same time :3

10 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)


Sucks man

10 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

The fuck

Must be Tuesday

10 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

I feel useless

Your pretty epik

10 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)


I read it as "let me drive" and I was about to question your mom

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

Hello! 🌻🌹

Hello I haven't seen you in (counts) uh a while

10 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

Q5: is Taco Man real?

YAS Taco Man is Real if you know what I mean

10 months ago   Reply