Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

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Cosmo is god and you should praise her every night

42 Following     49 Follower

  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

(Sonic) Chihuahuamations⚡💙

Your probably fine lol it's just scary sometimes

9 months ago   Reply (1)
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

Oki but actually

Tell your mom or something at least lol

9 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

Oki but actually

I fuck I didn't read the IRL part GET HELP

9 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

Guys what if

That'd be awesome
If you do this you post what the drawing looks like on YouTube community post

9 months ago   Reply (1)
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

Ye Q&A

Why do you change your name so much?

10 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)


This kind of stuff never happens to me lol
Maybe charge your iPad more lol

10 months ago   Reply
  Ssjkids (Savecosmo)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Lmao I did 7 and got bored lol

10 months ago   Reply