🩵Marshall !!🩷

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Hoio marshall here!!
Loli isn't here anymore so I'm in charge !!

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  🩵Marshall !!🩷


Juan"s boss grabs Juan by the neck and throws him to the door behind them*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

I have no motivation bro

I mean well you could a whiteboard or something

1 years ago   Reply
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

🌼 Marcus 🌼

No basically this stupid thing called 7 ate 9 storyline ig
But like i actually feeling like somebody is behind me FR

1 years ago   Reply
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

🌼 Marcus 🌼

j: i know but all the others didn't want to do it either, can you please get them out of that place
I can tell my boss's name if you want?..

1 years ago   Reply
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

🌼 Marcus 🌼

J: it was my boss who wrote that.. we were doing a show well then if we didn't listen we would be kicked out and taken out with that magic eraser on the computer.."

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  🩵Marshall !!🩷


Juan looks in his notebook and sees that tulio written in it while it says he will kill juan*
*Juan cries*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

I've been trying to sing jabber wocky for 2 hours now and I still can't do it. IT'S LITERALLY GIBBERISH

I sometimes speak skfkfkdkbdksjh freaking gibberish stuff when i keep being flustered or anything yeah but singing literally makes me embarrassed tho..

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

Y'all never just feel like your friends with a fucking child predator

Is it worth it, no basically?? Don't rlly trust anyone that has been acting weird and be there friend I did that and well i don't rlly trust others anymore but here just calms down my brain to stop remembering that

1 years ago   Reply
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

[Uh oh. Rp I guess-? ]

A mysterious hand touches artsy"spot and the hand glows//( i edited this bc i misspelled it sorry//

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

[Y'all online-? ]

/ yes o rie I'm always online \

1 years ago   Reply
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

*coughs up blood*

J: oh.. sorry its just i wanted to know if you ok, if anything happens I'll tell the others,

1 years ago   Reply
  🩵Marshall !!🩷

*coughs up blood*

\\Juan runs to artsy to make sure if they're ok//

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  🩵Marshall !!🩷


Don't worry i used to sing it it was kinda great just be careful when you say stuff

1 years ago   Reply