Sadly all my art was deleted because of having to update my phone. With that fact I decided to delete all of my previous work- in the time I didn’t realize I lost all of my art work. I did intend to join but sadly my art was deleted.
It sounds like, for your partner one, that the fight you had changed them or how they saw you and they just wanted to make themselves the victim to hurt you more possibly. And for the others, I’m unsure they just did it for their reasons it’s not you
Are you sure? That you don’t care that is. It is frustrating when people do that I get it, but it seems to happen to you too much. Is there a specific reason they’re doing this or is it them?
I’m sorry I left…but I came back right? I mean that’s what matter right? We didn’t really talk much anyway. And I’m sorry your used to it…that’s something no one should be used to.