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Last Account - InkKat
Reason Gone - Indentity Crisis
Hola... I'll Guess I'll stay for a bit...

⚫️ - Neutral
🔵 - Sad
🔴 - Mad
🟡 - Happy
🟠 - Confused
Current: 🔵⚫️
My real name is Reigna but you can call me Eclipse, I'm 12 (turning 13 in December) and I love Rain world, CoryxKenshin, warrior cats, wings of fire, and you guys :D
I was on animemaker for a approximated, 4 years.
I do identify as gender fluid and my pronouns are They/Him.
Love you guys!

(A skilled crackhead that is in trouble with da police for tax evasion, they never ever have paid taxes.)
✨️ Single Pringle ✨️

(Little Kitty Catsona that was brung back to life when they got hit by a frickin car)
✨️ Single Pringle ✨️

(Persona, me in rl ig,)
(Gladfully) ✨️ Single Pringle ✨️


(Little Dragon Dog thing, she's dum)
Dating a gorl✨️

20 Following     19 Follower


I have a crush on Eddie Dear from welcome home-

he's a mailman- though he was a model 💀

1 years ago   Reply (1)

The QNA button lets you talk to him.

So I can come and uhhh give you donuts

1 years ago   Reply


I put in too much effort in this drawing 😭😭

1 years ago   Reply (1)

In your room is a oven.

-turns the oven on with the apples in it*

1 years ago   Reply


A knife ig choose a butter one because it's safer

1 years ago   Reply (2)


T-t-th- *gulp* pantry-!

1 years ago   Reply (1)


The pantry too hot so the sink <3333

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Hi I'm tfc

The fridge, I love my sugar cold <333

1 years ago   Reply (2)


I know you, I love your posts BTW dude.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚙️MC NOIA➕Aूाीू💀🇧🇷BŒ

Thank you 🤝
Upload the new vers soon my guy

1 years ago   Reply

Ok since all the people I feel this info is most important for them to know

Goda- how long is your school- do u have SUMMER SCHOOL!?!?

1 years ago   Reply