The good twin (the friendly hacker)

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If I have a good twin I would be the good twin

I'm the voice in the background helping


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  The good twin (the friendly...

Hi my name is Juno

I think people are gaslighting me
Thay are telling me to wake up
Don't wake me up I'm not dreaming

10 months ago   Reply
  The good twin (the friendly...

omg okg ogkgoggo

Well the comment not the post â„¢

10 months ago   Reply
  The good twin (the friendly...

omg okg ogkgoggo

This, is copyrighted ©

10 months ago   Reply
  The good twin (the friendly...


I just realized that I'm looking back he probably said in a jokingly way

10 months ago   Reply
  The good twin (the friendly...


Join his thing I guess

10 months ago   Reply
  The good twin (the friendly...


It was a joke
Because if you reviled that stuff you would be haked

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  The good twin (the friendly...

🇺🇲 the evil twin 🇺🇲

I didn't think you'd use the code
But sounds good

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  The good twin (the friendly...


Defeat them Kill your enemies

10 months ago   Reply
  The good twin (the friendly...


So you scared of my judgment

10 months ago   Reply (2)
  The good twin (the friendly...


I mean I'm not lying if you tell me account info I will hack you

10 months ago   Reply
  The good twin (the friendly...


Bad twin x good twin

10 months ago   Reply (1)
  The good twin (the friendly...

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

You Haven't heard of that very specific species of mushroom

10 months ago   Reply